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Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Any flavour Ice Cream


4 Tubs of muller light yoghurt
2 pots of very low fat natural yoghurt
artifical sweetener


Take the lid off a plastic freezer tub and inside place all the ingredients, mix thoroughly. Place on the lid and put into the freezer, every 20 minutes take out of the freezer and stir, this will make sure that it becomes ice cream and not ice.

After approximately two hours your ice cream should be ready.

This can be served with fresh fruit and aerosol cream (2 level tbspns).

Flavours can be changed to suit the fruit, ie Strawberries and strawberry mullerlight yoghurt.

Sin value per serving:

Green Day - FREE (0.5 sins if using aerosol cream)
Red Day - FREE (0.5 sins if using aerosol cream)

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